26.04.06 20.30 EET The Rasmus Aki & Lauri interview, TV2, Pop Klubi, TV, Finland
18.04.06 16.00-16.30 EET Includes The Rasmus interview & footage from Argentina!, TV2, Farmi, TV, Finland
09.04.06 15.15 EET Rasmus - The dokumentti, TV2, TV, Finland
11.02.06 20:00 Lauri is special guest in the show Evolution. (Reruns every day till 15/2 at 03:00 - 04:00 & 04:00 & 08:00), Omega TV, Evolution, TV, Greece
19.12.05 19:00 GMT+1 Rasmus live perfomance. Acoustic version of Sail Away., SVT1, Trackslistan, TV, Sweden
19.11.05 14:00-16:00 GMT +1 Three live songs from the gig at Klubben, Stockholm., SR P3, P3 Star, Radio, Sweden
28.10.05 16.05 EET Interview, TV Nelonen, Buusteri, TV, Finland
15.10.05 20.00 EET Live performance, MTV3, Huuma, TV, Finland
24.09.05 14:03 CET Acoustic performance from the P3 Festival, Stockholm., P3, Star, Radio, Sweden
17.09.05 19.00 (GMT+1) The Rasmus perfoms acoustic at Swedish National Radio P3's festival in Kungstrdgården, Stockholm, P3, Radio, Sweden
17.09.05 12.30 EET In addition to being interviewed the band will treat listeners to a couple of live tracks., YleX, YleX weekend, Radio, Finland
17.09.05 11.00 EET Interview Aki & Lauri, TV2, TOP 40, TV, Finland
12.09.05 20.03 (GMT+1) The Rasmus talking about their fans in an interview, P3, Musikjournalen, Radio, Sweden
12.09.05 19.00 (GMT +1) (Re-run SVT1 Tracks 24/9) No Fear playback + Short interview, SVT1, Tracks, TV, Sweden
12.09.05 18.15 EET Interview Aki & Lauri, MTV3, VIIHDEUUTISET, TV, Finland
10.09.05 20.10 (GMT +2) "No Fear" performed, Canal+, 20h10, TV, France
21.08.05 14.25 (GMT+2) No Fear - Video, MTV3, TV, Finland
20.08.05 11.45 (GMT+2) No Fear - Video, MTV3, TV, Finland