Karcsonyi dvzlet!
2005.12.24. 18:57
Hello minden rajongknak
Hello to everyone of our fans out there!
We would like to thank all of you for being with us during a fantastic 2005. Thanks for coming to the shows, we had a great time all over the world! We travelled to Germany, England, Scotland, Japan, India, Venezuela, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland and Finland, of course (hope we didn't forget anyone now)... We met many of you on the road, and we have some fond memories from that of course. Thanks also to all who bought our new album, we are very proud of it and the songs mean a lot to us.
Next year we will try to tour as much as possible, we know that we are going to Russia and Greece, and then we will tour with our Finnish friends HIM and Negative (that will be a wild trip) in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. After that we hope to go to Japan, South Africa and then maybe South America.
Anyway, we wish all of you Very Happy Hollidays and a Fantaboulus 2006! See you soon!
Aki, Lauri, Eero & Pauli
Karcsonyi dvzlet!
Hello minden rajongknak!
Szeretnnk mindenkinek megksznteni azoknak, akik velnk voltak ebben a fantasztikus 2005-s vben. Ksznjk, hogy eljttetek a koncertekre, a vilg minden rszn nagyszeren reztk magunkat. Elutaztunk Nmetorszgba, Angliba, Skciba, Japnba, Indiba, Venezuelba, Belgiumba, Franciaorszgba, Olaszorszgba, Spanyolorszgba, Svdorszgba,
Luxembourgba, Portugliba, Hollandiba, Svjcban, Ausztriba, Magyarorszgba, Csehorszgba, Lengyelorszgba s termszetesen Finnorszgba (remljk semmit, nem hagytunk ki).Vannak persze kedvenc emlkeink . ksznjk mindenkinek, akik meg vettk a az j albumot, ezek a dalok nagyon sokat jelentenek neknk.
Jvre megprblunk minl tbbet turnzni. Azt mr tudjuk, hogy Oroszorszgban s Grgorszgban fogunk turnzni finn bartainkkal a HIM-mel s Negative-val (ez egy vad utazs lesz). Nmetorszgban, Svjcban s Ausztrliban, Aztn remlhetleg Japnban, szak-Afrikban s taln szak – Amerikba is elmegynk.
Mindenesetre boldog karcsonyi s fantasztikus 2006-s vet kvnunk!
Aki, Lauri, Eero & Pauli